Posted by: hikerdude | October 26, 2019

61 Reflections on Turning 61


I turned 61 years old recently.  I really don’t feel that old, and I believe the best is yet to come.  I have reflected on a few important life lessons I’ve learned on this journey and recorded them.  I have decided to add one new lesson each year, for the rest of my life.  Maybe you will find some of these useful, challenging, entertaining, inspiring, or thought-provoking.  Better yet, maybe one of them will be a catalyst to move you to do that next thing you know you need to do.

  1. I’ve come a long way, but I’ve still got a way to go yet.
  2. Up ain’t easy, but it sure is worth it. Exceptional moments come with a steep price most are unwilling to pay.
  3. We are called to the abundant life, not the redundant life. Change and risks are necessary – get used to it; embrace it and enjoy the adventure.
  4. Life is a series of sacrifices. You can make selfish, short-term sacrifices on the altars of idols and the gratification is almost immediate but short-lived; or you can make selfless, long-term sacrifices on the one true God’s altar and the payoff may be delayed, but it will echo throughout all eternity.
  5. A character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it is the basic structure of a good story and a good life.
  6. All investments are costly on the front end, but bad investments are costly on the back end too.
  7. Prepare a good plan. Pray about it. Think about it. Bounce it off other people and get good counsel. Then work the plan. Do it in the right order, at the right time and with the right people.
  8. Every long journey and every difficult task is a matter of steps.
  9. 40 Year high school reunions aren’t just for old folks anymore, and thank goodness most of us have grown up since high school.
  10. Music is a time machine and the 70’s had the best music. But it’s too bad drugs killed most of the great musicians.
  11. “An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.” G.K. Chesterton
  12. As you get older, you have to make a lot of hard decisions and do difficult things. That is known as responsibility – that tough adult stuff.
  13. As your metabolism slows down the calendar speeds up.
  14. Get (self) out of the way, follow (Jesus) and (then) lead.
  15. People are listening and watching. Don’t do or say stupid stuff! They just might follow your example.
  16. Having children of your own will teach you more about God’s love for you than all the sermons you will hear in your lifetime.
  17. The older I get, the more wisdom and patience I recognize in how my parents raised me.
  18. Hindsight gives insight. Most of the gain in life does come at the price of pain and sacrifice.
  19. Lessons learned the hard way are remembered best.
  20. Marrying my wife is the most important decision I ever made, other than following Jesus.
  21. There are a lot of beautiful places in this world, and I’ve still got a lot I have not seen yet.  Never stop exploring.
  22. Everyone has some expertise I don’t, and I can learn something from everyone if I will listen and pay attention.
  23. “Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men” Proverbs 22:29
  24. An extraordinary life has never been lived in the comfort zone.
  25. Timing is critical. We often pray for the tasks, but rarely for the timing.
  26. My children have been such a joy in my life; it is hard to imagine what grandchildren will be like.
  27. Every day, I mediate my past with my future. My past has prepared me for my future. If I pay close attention, there are themes which will lead me to my dreams.
  28. God has a sense of humor. The things that used to scare me most are now areas where I find some of my greatest joy.
  29. “’He must increase, but I must decrease.’” John 3:30
  30. The great tension in life is to live fearlessly without dying foolishly.
  31. Our lives are telling a story, so we need to live a compelling one what will make the “readers” want to stay engaged in the story. Chapters will end and new ones will begin, with different characters and settings.
  32. There is a lot of truth in the butterfly principle: it is the struggle that strengthens us.
  33. BUSY – Burdened Under Satan’s Yoke. “If the Devil can’t make us really bad, then he’ll try to make us really busy.” Craig Groeschel
  34. Hiking is cheaper than therapy.
  35. The things that bother me most about other people are usually a mirror God uses to reveal something ugly about myself that needs to change.
  36. Spend more time with your parents. They won’t always be here, and you will miss them terribly when they are gone.
  37. Encourage people every chance you get. Life is hard and everyone is going through something difficult.
  38. When you think about telling someone you appreciate them, take the opportunity to do so. You may not have another chance in the future.
  39. You cannot be an overcomer without obstacles to overcome.
  40. There are lessons in life which are best taught in losses. If you can learn from your losses you gain wisdom never attained in wins.
  41. Don’t worry about little stuff. Most of it is little stuff.
  42. Every season is beautiful. Enjoy the unique beauty of each season and don’t waste time bemoaning the change.
  43. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
  44. One of the best ways to earn the respect of others is to show them respect.
  45. Our emotions greatly influence our decisions. It is said the major emotions are: sadness, anger, disgust, fear and joy. The negatives outnumber the positives 4-1. Do you think we need an objective opinion or two before making important decisions which are charged with emotions?
  46. Do the things on your bucket list before you are too old or sick to do them.
  47. If you want to be outstanding, you have to stand out. That means you will necessarily be different from the rest of the herd.
  48. Take action. Talk is cheap. God says “Well done,” not “Well spoken or well thought.”
  49. “All that is gold does not glitter, not all those who wander are lost;…” R.R. Tolkien
  50. Both courage and cowardice are contagious.
  51. “Most Christians are being crucified on a cross between two thieves: Yesterday’s regret and tomorrow’s worries.” Warren W. Wiersbe
  52. Set goals; then, begin and continue on toward those goals with the end in mind.
  53. Freely forgive, and that includes forgiveness for yourself.
  54. Find your calling, whatever it may be, and pursue excellence in it with a passion.
  55. If people would quit calling and hiring the lawyers with all the TV commercials and billboards we wouldn’t have to look at so many lawyers with TV commercials and billboards.
  56. Make your unique mark in this world. Make it hard to erase and impossible to forget.
  57. There is a mountain for every man
    Something just beyond “I know I can.”
    Adventure beckons – this special call
    Requiring man’s best, his all in all.
  58. Thank God for His love, grace, generosity and patience with me, and may I demonstrate each of these to others today.
  59. Give people the respect they deserve and the grace they don’t.
  60. “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” – Ben Franklin
  61. Live a great story, and, then, tell that story. Who knows, you might just inspire someone right into an epic adventure.


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